May 2024

May hosts national homebrew day, but what day is it? The first national homebrew day was observed Saturday May 7th, 1988. Which is why some say that it is every year on May 7th. However there is debate that it should be the first Saturday of May. Either way, a day to celebrate homebrewing is enough for me, even if I have to celebrate on the first Saturday in May and on the 7th…

Monthly Meeting

May’s meeting will be a club garage sale. Bring a couple brewing supplies you no longer need, and hopefully someone else will want them! The club will not be handling any of the money, it is up to you to get money from whoever purchases your equipment, so bring some cash. Or if there is anything you want to give away, bring that too!

Olympics Quarterly Challenge

The June quarterly challenge is the Olympics. If you attended the March meeting, and chose to participate, you received a random country. For this challenge you will need to ferment something representative of the country you received. Didn’t make it to the March meeting and want to participate? Email letting us know and we will get you a country. Submissions are due at Old 121 by end of day June 9th.


For our July 20th Meeting, we will have our annual LFC BBQ. Bobby will be hosting this event at his house. It’s a couple months out, so more details to come, but get this date on your calendar so you don’t miss this fun event! 

Education Corner

Wine Not?

If you haven’t tried making wine from a wine kit, it’s easy, and fun. Our beer equipment is transferable (as well as Meads, Ciders, and Seltzer). You’ll need a few extra items: Wine bottles, corks, and a corker. And with beer, if you start saving your wine bottles, you can greatly reduce this cost. In most cases a secondary fermentation (for clarifying is) is a part of the process.

Simple kits start around $69.99. This will produce 2 cases of wine - which is a great value if you consider the price of an individual wine bottle. Prices can go up as you enter into more complex wines, these can contain aging on grape skins, oak, etc. Most these kits come with all ingredients, including yeast (information on the kits will advise of what is and is not included).

If you haven’t given wine a try, ask yourself, wine not give a wine a try?